Judaism's 2 Key Cults, In the Commie & Fascist Image And How To Change It
Schneerson waving to children
at a Lag BaOmer parade
Joel Teitelbaum bowing before
King Carol II of Romania, 1936
In Judaism we have 2 key cults, each on the opposite side of the Orthodox spectrum: Satmer (fascist) and Chabad (commie). When you dig into the details, both cults, Satmer (fascist) and Chabad (commie) are the same oppressive. In example when it comes to giving the average person a voice, or on covering up
sexual exploitation in sadistic ways.
sexual exploitation in sadistic ways.
Both cults, Satmer (fascist) and Chabad (commie) obviously have their holy gods, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum grand rabbi of Satmer (founder of USA Jewish fascism) who by the 1980's coerced his followers (initially young holocaust survivors) and all other Hasidic and Yeshivish sects to completely abandon the teachings of Hillel & Moses and follow Shamai (the Golden Calf).
Basically everyone must follow him, Rabbi Teitelbaum, his Cult of Personality, and provide him with absolute power to decide everything for them. While Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (founder of USA Jewish commies), established his Cult of Personality, literally as the Messiah. Both Rabbi Teitelbaum and Rabbi Schneerson established institutions nationally and globally in their fascist & commie image. Totally non-democratic, now for 2 generations after they died.
To dig in, see this Wikipedia link on Cult of Personality "an idealized and heroic image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. A cult of personality is similar to apotheosis, except that it is established by modern social engineering
techniques" Apotheosis is the key word, see link, it has its own wiki page. It literally and directly means avoida
zura (idolatry/cults). You believe for a second that ancient mekelech (wimps) were scared of stone
getchkes (idols)? They pissed in their pants from the human getchkes (idols) behind the stone getchkes
(idols), especially from the human getchkes' (idols) interpretations of their halachas (religious laws).
Which were obviously rigged to get as much power, gold, and znus (sexual exploitation) to the human
getchke (idols) and his askunim (trolls playing “good cop bad cop”). If you like YouTube see: Cult Of Personality on YouTube (Living Colour - Cult Of Personality
(Official Video) 55M views)
Both Rabbi Teitelbaum and Rabbi Schneerson established themselves as Cult of Personality's, idols, the exact opposite what they claimed to represent, the Torah (bible) and G-d.
This paragraph was added December 14, 2021
Chabad works closely with Satmer fascists to entrap everyone who tries to escape Satmer persecution (or persecution from Ger, Belz, Viznits, Bobov, Skver, etc. all coordinate with Satmer). Chabad (commie) trolls coordinate with these fascist trolls at the peripheral of orthodox Judaism. Chabad is key on maintaining the (fascist-commie) iron curtain.What you can do: If you smell a crime call the police! If you feel too hassled or threatened to call the police, contact us! At goldncalf@gmail.com or text (413) 337-9559. Please also contact us if you want us to upgrade your shul (house of worship), kids school, or chaseedus (religious community/sect) from cultish behavior to a democracy (as per Hillel). Where everyone has a voice and civic engagement is encouraged. Especially top level decisions. Or contact us if you want to help us in general, to upgrade cultish behavior to democracies. At goldncalf@gmail.com or text (413) 337-9559. The faster we do this the faster we'll have full access again to Temple Mount. Jewish (or any) identity is great, if it makes collaboration with other identities even greater. Degrading other identities never worked and never will.
See our previous post on Hillel (democracy) not Shamia (cults).